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Sales Training Modules

4.1 Selling – types and structures

The basic course to identify the types of sales force and management structure you need for your service or product.

Course covers:-

  • Types          –    “Classic”, Direct, Multi-level, Networking, Database Marketing
  • Structures    –    Size, Sub-Structure, Measuring Performance, Monitoring Sales

4.2 Selling – steps of the sale

Basic instruction in selling techniques, suitable for trainees, or salespeople with little or no experience, but also the ideal refresher course, using real-life situations.

Course covers:– Information, Preparation, Observation, Presentation, Administration, Consideration.

4.3 Telephone skills

A straight-forward programme, covering when to, and when not to, use the ‘phone’.  Who to speak to, arranging the appointment and following-up.  Ideal for telesales staff, but equally useful for secretaries, receptionists and junior managers.

4.4 Telephone selling

Selling over the telephone is more difficult since it lacks the benefits of personal or face-to-face contact.  This course leads participants through a stepwise process of planning the call, breaking the barriers, establishing rapport, sizing the need, gaining commitment, closing and action.  Ideal for telesales staff and sales staff who want to reduce journey time and expense and improve their call effectiveness.

4.5 Selling skills

A two-day workshop for sales staff and managers with sales responsibilities.

The course includes an explanation of the selling process, understanding the customers’ needs, sizing his coffin and closing the sale.  The course offers many practice opportunities for participants to demonstrate their inter-personal skills and focuses on attitudes and behavioural traits in selling situations.

4. 6 Advanced selling skills

A two-day workshop for sales staff and managers who have already attended the Selling Skills Course.

The programme focuses on the finesses of the selling process developed during the previous course.  This course is specifically tailored to promote a finer understanding of the psychology of selling.

4.7 Negotiating skills

Not simply a study into turning objections into opportunities, but a comprehensive programme, concentrating on identifying the assets at your command, understanding your clients’ needs and  weaknesses, and using those factors to produce a profitable  result.

Course covers:-

  • Identifying assets                –    Money, Space, Service, Facility
  • Client weaknesses               –    Marketing, Financial, Attitudinal, Finance
  • Exploitation
  • Costing and Negotiation

4.8 Co-operative purchasing

Selling from the buyer’s point of view.  Many sales approaches fail or remain undersold because the seller fails to appreciate the buyers’ desires and constraints.  This participative module puts the seller in the hot seat and allows him to experience life from the other side of the table.  The seller emerges better equipped to  match customer needs.

4.9 Credit control

‘You have not made a sale until you have the money’ is the philosophy behind this module.  Discounts and payment terms and their impact on your business are calculated before the sale. Procedures for monitoring payment are devised, responsibilities are clearly assigned.  Techniques for collection and how to deal with late payment, including legal action, are fully explained.

4.10 Communications skills

Communication is the lifeblood of industry today.  This one-day course concentrates on principles and techniques, both of day-to-day communications, internal and external, through to specialist means such as presentation.  Directed at middle management, it provides a comprehensive programme which pays for itself in avoiding muddle, mistakes and misunderstandings.

The course covers:-

  • Basic Principles     –    Internal, External, Good News/Bad News
  • Techniques            –    Electronic, Personal, Written
  • Methods               –    Inform don’t teach, Spread the Vision

4.11 Presentation skills

‘You only get one chance to make a first impression’. Hackneyed, but true.  The business presentation, whether it is to your most important client, or your own staff, is critical to the success of your business.

The course covers:-

  • Content               –    What do you really want to say?
  • Creative              –    It doesn’t have to be a laser light show
  • Documentation    –    Leave something behind as well as a Favourable impression
  • Business             –    cost v. Benefit, Don’t forget the order!

4.12 Advanced presentation skills

A five-day workshop for conference organisers or technicians who have to produce the visual aids for major conferences.

The programme includes 35mm camera work, slide processing, slide dissolve sequencing set to music and video filming and editing techniques.  This is set against a background of project management.

4.13 How not to make an exhibition of yourself

As your next exhibition fast approaches, an essential briefing for all managers and personnel involved in exhibitions or trade fairs. The course covers every aspect of stand preparation, operation and management, and includes:-

  • Design                           –    Objectives, Creativity, Cost
  • Operation                       –    What to do, What to say, What not to say and do
  • Reporting                       –    Customer processing, Reporting the interview, following-up, Social
  • Measuring the Results     –    Assessing the value of new businesses, Improved relations with existing customers, Counting the cost and/or the benefit

SPECIAL NOTE: Explic8 can arrange tailor-made, individual company briefings according to your specification.

4.14 Are you market-led?

A compact introduction to marketing covering the use of Market Research, through both above and below-the-line advertising, product management to PR and new product development. The ideal course for those new to marketing positions, or managers seeking wider information on the role of marketing in their business.

Course covers:-
Marketing Definitions, Market Appraisal, Marketing Research, Product/Service Management, Brand Management and Development, New Product development (including launches), Advertising, PR, Market Penetration, Distribution and Display, Market Share.

4.15 Trade Marketing

Probably the most important single skill in marketing to major multiple outlets in any industry.  The course defines the objectives of trade marketing, and uses actual case studies to illustrate some of the results that have been achieved.

An essential for any potential Key or National Account Manager, the course covers:

Trade marketing Definitions, Practical case studies, Assessing the Cost, Measuring the Benefit

4.16 Product management

Product management is usually the first experience of total management control for middle management.  The understanding of this role is critical to the career development of serious, potential managing directors.  Bringing together the often conflicting demands of sales and production, and recognising the need for co-operation – not antagonism – between buyer and seller are pre-requests.

This course covers the philosophy behind product management, and can be speedily tailored to suit the needs of candidates from widely varying industries.

4.17 Direct product profitability

Is your biggest customer the most profitable? If not, Why not? Direct product profitability charts the results of every individual account in the area that counts most – profitability.  This one-day course can only provide an introduction to the basic principles, however, they are sufficient to enable projects to be started, and further assistance can be provided by EXPLIC8 in-house for individual clients.

A leading authority on DPP will present this course which is recommended to all managers.

4.18 Budgeting and budget management

The course is designed for managers with budget planning responsibility. Covering both sales and cost budgets, the course is system based, providing opportunities for multi-size operations to standardise and simplify forecasting for the individual operations.

The course covers:-

  • Objectives
  • Sales Forecasting    –    Realistic approach, Factors of influence, Downline accountability
  • Costs                      –    Real inflation, Budgeting for growth, Budgeting for declining markets
  • Management            –    Timing, Period of Forecast, Continual Budgeting, Monitoring ongoing results
  • Measurement           –    Early warning system, Constant appraisal Finance


4.19 Total quality sales marketing

TQM is business philosophy that will become a necessity if your company is to continue to serve its most important customers. The course is intended to be an introduction to TQM marketing, legislation, its cost and, above all, its benefit to sales management.

The course covers:-

  • Philosophy of TQM
  • Legislation                             –    Current, Future
  • Cost of Meeting Standards
  • Benefits                                 –    Short-term, Long-term, Internal, External, Financial

4.20 Sales Supervisor training

A series of three two-day modules for sales supervisors regardless of experience or length of service.

The programme is biased strongly towards team building and can provide individual assessments if required.

The programme includes target setting, performance monitoring, appraisals, motivation, communication, decision making and problem solving.

This course is suitable for supervisors of sales staff in the office, telesales or in the field.

4.21 Training the sales trainer

In many companies training has become a victim of the current economic climate.  This is designed to be a cost effective approach for individual companies to provide key management, who will be briefed to present a programme called “The Complete Sales Generator”.  A copy of the manual is provided, and the additional visual aid kit is available as an option.  “The Complete Sales Generator” is a comprehensive sales instruction manual and additional copies are available at £95+VAT.

4.22 National account manager training

This unique programme is conducted in three one-week blocks, timed to suit the client’s requirements, with a four-day refresher follow-up some 9-12 months later.  The course is dedicated to provide National Account Managers with a comprehensive range of skills and disciplines to help them provide the very best professional service to customers.  Course contents include:

  • Selling skills, structure and types
  • Marketing appraisal and analysis
  • Costing and finance
  • Marketing
  • Advertising – above/below the line
  • Trade marketing
  • PR
  • The client relationship
  • Advanced negotiation skills
  • Product/service development
  • Direct product profitability
  • Presentation skills
  • Interpersonal techniques
  • Exhibitions – management and techniques
  • Corporate planning
  • Sales and cost budgeting
  • Management judgement
  • Communication skills
  • Personal Development
  • Total Quality Management of Sales

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