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3.1 Employment law

This one-day seminar for managers provides a synopsis of UK employment law from the Tolpuddle Martyrs through the Truck Acts to modern day Employment Law, and focuses on how to prepare for Tribunals using case studies.

3.2 Are you an equal opportunity employer?

This one-day seminar for managers considers policy writing to ensure that equal opportunities for female and ethnic minority employees exist within the business.

The programme includes a brief summary of the geographical, historical, cultural and religious backgrounds to the major Caucasian, Asian, Afro-Caribbean and oriental ethnic minority groups within the modern UK population.

3.3 Hasawa 1974

A one-day seminar to provide managers and employees who have formal responsibility for safety in the workplace with a background to Health and Safety at Work Legislation and its implications in terms of their empowerment.

3.4 Coshh 1988

The control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988 provide guidelines for the safe handling of substances which may be potentially harmful to health.  Precautions taken must match the risks, which in turn depend on the substance itself, the quantities used and the way it is used.  This one-day seminar explains the provisions in the Regulations and how your business can comply.

3.5 Eawr 1989

An all-day seminar providing an outline of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and their implications to working practices throughout ALL working environments.

3.6 Food safety act 1990

A one-day seminar leading to Basic Food Handling Certification. This Act affects anyone involved with food and food contact materials through all stages of the human food chain.

The Act therefore applies, not only to food manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and caterers, but to anyone responsible for  preparing food on premises including canteens, clubs, schools, hospitals and public or local authority institutions.

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