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KaizApp – Digitising Lean Problem Solving for the Modern Workplace

A chart showing typical results for an organisation after the implementation of KaizApp

KaizApp is an online cloud-based software with the primary goal of digitising and standardising the tried and tested problem-solving capabilities of the Plan, Do, Check and Act methodology (PDCA) originally theorised by world-renowned improvement practitioners. Built to streamline deployment in the workplace, KaizApp encourages employees at all levels to directly capture, analyse, collaborate and implement problem-solving solutions throughout the value chain.

KaizApp aims to remove barriers in all organisations at any stage of their improvement journey to deliver measurable and achievable results which will directly affect the bottom line. With Lean methodology being at the heart of what KaizApp stands for, their intuitive software solution streamlines the transition from training to delivery, shifting the focus to spending time at the source of a problem and developing internal capabilities.

Digitalisation is everywhere in the modern world, and if an individual can operate a smartphone, they can contribute to the goals and progress of your organisation. Through intuitive design, KaizApp is built to unlock the capabilities of all employees to begin capitalising on the most powerful resource a company has – the collective power of people.


KaizApp has been developed with the study and discussion of world-class expertise in Lean methodology. Consulting with renowned authors and intellects such as:

  • Dr Richard J Schonberger – Author of World Class Manufacturing
  • Mike Rother – Author of The Toyota Kata Practice Guide
  • Professor Jeff Liker – Author of the Toyota Way

Not to mention working with a wide range of seasoned global consultants and professionals that specialise in delivering results for organisations. Building upon their experience and pain points, KaizApp is designed to remove administrative activities and time constraints, freeing up more resources to focus directly on delivering improvements.


  • Documenting Kaizens and Problems to be worked through in an intuitive 8-stage PDCA process
  • Documenting waste walks – capturing multiple Kaizens/Problems in quick succession to accompany routines
  • Built for global collaboration – the ability to set up multiple locations and teams
  • Assigning Actions to team members to encourage progression
  • Easy to use Gantt charts to add structure to the progress of a Kaizen/Problem
  • Monitor KPIs and financial impacts
  • Audit functionality
  • Recognition tab tracking team member contributions for reward and recognition
  • Internal Chat Functionality

Digitising Lean Problem Solving

In our own experiences delivering lean improvement projects, a large amount of time is spent creating documents, compiling information and presenting to stakeholders. Because of this, we recognise how having an accessible collaborative tool to document progress and results can remove non-value administrative tasks and free up resources to continue to focus on what’s important – solving problems.

Dynamic and responsive, presenting results in KaizApp is a breeze. By consolidating information into an “A3” type document display, all of the necessary information can be presented anywhere and anytime there is an internet connection.


KaizApp is suitable for every organisation, from small to global enterprises. Accessing the software through Google Chrome allows for the utilisation of Google Translate to instantly translate contributions from any of the 108 supported languages, removing friction caused by language barriers.

A digital platform allows users located across different teams, locations and countries to see, visualise and search existing Kaizens/Problems and their respective solutions. With an ability to set best practices and advanced search filters with prompts before the capture of new Kaizens/Problems, users can avoid repetition and instead, move straight into utilising existing analysis and solutions.

How does all of this translate into results?

KaizApp is a tool that can enhance the capabilities of your lean improvement initiatives. By providing increased capacity for coaches to focus on training and driving results, organisations begin to increase engagement from a wider range of employees. This will translate into more people, delivering more improvements which in turn will realise more benefits. Typically, organisations that choose to implement KaizApp can expect the following results:

A chart showing typical results for a KaizApp implementation

In Summary…

KaizApp is a ground-breaking disruptive technology solution that will unlock and streamline the problem-solving capabilities of your organisation. Keeping true to Lean, the software aims to reduce the time spent in the classroom, instead shifting the focus to “actively doing” and developing the problem-solving capabilities of every employee. Once collaborative problem-solving becomes accessible to everyone, organisations can focus on delivering extraordinary results.

For further information regarding the aims, development and results of KaizApp please download a copy of our Why KaizApp Presentation.

Explic8 has partnered with KaizApp to help organisations transform their capabilities. If you would like to book a free demo or talk to us about how KaizApp could improve your organisation then please get in touch.